When you bring you car to Value Auto Repair, your not just going to another mechanic. At Value Auto Repair, we are certified in many of the Domestic and Asian cars that are on the road today.
Most of our training and certifications come from the finest training facilities in the nation. Places like Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, GM, Chrysler, Dodge, Nissan, Toyota, and much much more.
We are also ASE Certified (Automotive Service Excellence). This certification is nationally recognized by all in the automotive industry, as a seal of Knowledge, Skill, and Excellence in automotive repair.
At Value Auto Repair we continue to stay on top of the never ending changes in the automotive industry. We do this by going to school and training on the latest equipment, and learning the latest techniques that help to save time in costly repairs.
What does this mean to you the customer? It means Saving you Time and Money. That means a lot in todays economy.